Permissive Parenting

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A Public Service Announcement, PSA, is a great way to get a serious message across to an audience that would not go looking for a serious topic in life. Public Service Announcements are usually broadcast on television and can reach a lot of people at one time. There can be a PSA about any important subject. Most Public Service Announcements are used to inform people about a serious problem or issue that is going on in the world. There are Public Service Announcements about animal abuse, AIDs in Africa and even the Flu. My PSA is about the severity of the permissive parenting style. Parenting styles are very important when raising your children. The parenting style that a parent uses can change the entire outcome of the child in the future because parenting styles can change how the child reacts to situations or makes decisions. The goal of the message in my PSA is to have parents understand that a permissive style of parenting is not a good idea. The permissive style of parenting may seem like a good idea to ignorant, new parents, but the parenting style involves no discipline and encouragement.

The main issues of the permissive parenting style are the outcomes of the children that are raised under permissive parents. Children who are raised in a family like this are often showed a lot of affection but are not shown a lot of discipline and strict parenting. Children are often forced to do a lot of things by themselves starting at a very young age. Since children are on they are own a lot the time they are more prone to making bad decisions starting earlier in life and these bad habits will continue throughout the rest of their lives. Most children who are raised under these conditions grow up to believe that their parents did n...

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... about raising their children differently, rather than just being let down and discouraged that this parenting style causes many problems, not only in their lives but also in the child’s future too.

I think if taken seriously, this PSA could have an impact on people today. People would have to understand the consequences of raising a child under the permissive parenting style. The PSA would have to seriously get the message across that it is not okay for parents to just love their child with no discipline. The parents have to be strict and loving for the child to be raised properly. Parents need to understand that the child needs both discipline and love to be a well-rounded child. Too much discipline and force towards a child problems too, but also too little discipline can cause problems, there has to be an equal amount of love and control when raising a child.

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