Open Your Mind To Other Cultures

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Education is held to the highest regard no matter what background one comes from. Without any form of education or knowledge on what shapes the world, the deeper connection between events and the human mind would lay untouched. Therefore, in order for an individual to understand his/her country, it is imperative that they study cultural literature. It allows for an individual to gain stability in their own country as well as becoming open-minded about their surroundings and other cultures.

Studying of cultural literature will promote anyone to develop an open-minded. Learning about other cultures and their development, which would be impossible to understand by merely reading the pieces of work, will allow the individual to see and appreciate new things in all regards. In that process, it will be easy to understand how unique behaviors are around the world and relate easier to them. It is clear that everyone has experienced some of the same events that changed how things were perceived at the time and compare the outcomes to how they are now. Literature can present a more humanized version of what we already know, which is essential for all beings in some point throughout their education. Noting differences will also illustrate similarities like certain events that shaped literature. When one is knowledgeable about the reasons behind why certain pieces of literature were created, it opens the door to studying the very development that occurred over time. It then becomes clear to see thoughts mature as time progresses like in instances of women’s role in society and how they have changed. Cultural literature can not only explain such things in a deeper connection than history can afford, but can clarify the very same topic and it...

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...hoose to opt from such a study would lack many advantages that could be learned such as the development of the world over time as well as the many diverse and interesting abilities presented. It would be impossible for them to fully comprehend the unique way of the world that others would not only be in tune with, but gain a new respect.

Studying specific things will always be beneficial in numerous ways. It is essential for an individual to study cultural literature to understand his/her country and the world. While it may seem like a waste of time in doing so or may not pertain to a life plan, it would increase awareness of that individual’s surrounding as well as open his eyes to the unique qualities that shape his surroundings. Without it, that individual would be unaware of the extent of how the world are seen and be forever lost in a close minded attitude.

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