Nature in the Works of Emily Dickinson

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Nature is the most beautiful places for anyone to enjoy peace and stability in the human minds. Emily Dickinson is a naturalist poet that she wants the world to know that peace does exist in the human world and she wants to tell the world. Dickinson's poems are mostly written by "nature", "love", and "death" according to Anna Dunlap in her analysis. Dickinson's sister, Lavinia, is the one who published Dickinson's work, on her first attempt the editor that was responsible was taking her sweet time. This editor had Dickinson's work for two years so Lavinia decided to find another editor and Loomis Todd is the right person and editor for this job. Once Lavinia found the perfect publisher "her brother's lover Mable Loomis Todd, who was responsible for the first editions of Dickinson's poems" (Dunlap). Many editors for Dickinson's volumes filled with her work was greatly polished because some of the words she uses were very confusing and incomprehension to understand the meaning she is trying to portray to the readers. "From correcting misspellings and misplaced apostrophes, Johnson lets Dickinson's original punctuation and capitalization stand" (Hoefel). Johnson is one of the editors, in the 1950s, after the first revision from Loomis Todd and after reading through Dickinson's work that is when he decided to publish her work and first published in 1960. Most of her work has a meaning about nature and many of her titles seemed that way, but there is a twist to them. "A narrow Fellow in the Grass" to the metaphysics of "I died for Beauty — but was scarce," and poems such as "Sweet Mountains — Ye tell Me no lie — " are not just nature poems, but transformations, the creating of a more woman-centered religion that incor... ... middle of paper ... ... the reader understand the meaning that is behind it, like so “the poem concludes by asking rhetorically whether its listeners now understand the truths produced by both birds and poetry” (SparkNotes Editors). Besides nature being compared from birds a deeper meaning is behind this symbol and this is “art produces soothing, truthful sounds” (SparkNotes Editors) just like the soothing sounds from a bird that anyone can enjoy. Works Cited Dunlap, Anna. "The Complete Poems Of Emily Dickinson." Masterplots II: Women’S Literature Series (1995): 1-3. Literary Reference Center Plus. Web. 17 Nov. 2013. Hoefel, Roseanne L. "The Complete Poems Of Emily Dickinson." Masterplots, Fourth Edition (2010): 1-6. Literary Reference Center Plus. Web. 17 Nov. 2013. SparkNotes Editors. “SparkNote on Dickinson’s Poetry.” SparkNotes LLC. 2002. Web. 26 Nov. 2013.

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