The Mutual Relationship Between Technology and Society

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I am interested in exploring the mutual shaping relationship between technology and society through an integrated development perspective.

During my postgraduate study of science and technology studies (STS) in University of Edinburgh, I followed the mutual shaping route and briefly touched the problems of integrated development in two researches, “Understanding Local Circumstances of Surveillance on ICT Applications in China” and “The Mutual Shaping History of Agricultural Technology, Social Condition, And Public Policy in China”. By applying to the doctoral project “Innovation, Society, And Policy In China: Towards An Integrated Development”, I wish to extend my knowledge and investigation to the mutual shaping relationship among technological innovation, state and society building, and public policy in past, present, and future China through an integrated development perspective and case studies. An integrated development perspective, nascent but promising as Susan Cozzens pointed out, is to move three different perspectives on development, the confrontational power analysis from STS, the state economic growth studies from new growth theory, and the entrepreneurial learning and competence building studies from innovation systems, toward the development as freedom in Amartya Sen’s definition. In the next ten years or more, China will undergo the structural transformation in developmental mode to tackle the social and economic problems brought by its exclusive focus on economic growth and national competence. Therefore I find my research interesting and timely in both academic and real world.

Prior to further explanation of my doctoral program, some introductions of my previous academic pathway and working experience in...

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...ave the treasured opportunity to pursue my Ph.D. in your department.

Finally, I have to confess that my postgraduate’s score in Edinburgh was not excellent. Although I expressed good logical reasoning and analytical ability and knowledge as tutor Francesca Bray commented, my inadequate language skills and over-ambitious planning on research projects resulted in a not as good presentation. To tackle the problem, I never stop to practice English and project planning skill by reading more academic books after graduation. Working experience in a real set also taught me how to evaluate, plan, and conduct a project under restriction on time and resource. I believe I am more capable than before to handle a doctoral research. I believe a brash but bright and passionate young scholar should have chance to pursue his dream studies. I believe you believe it too. Thank you!

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