“Machiavellian” Business Ethics and Behavior: An Issue Proposal

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In the history of the World there have been bountiful recessions, some worse than other of course. This is simply the nature of the economy. The cycle of peaks and troughs in an economy, which every economy goes through, is called the business cycle. When you are in areas of peak, business is good. Gross Domestic Product or GDP, all the products made within your country in a period of time (normally calculated quarterly or bi-annually), is very high, unemployment rates are low, and the overall standard of living is elevated. But while the peaks of the cycle are great the troughs can sometimes be hash.

All over the news and the public chatter in the U.S. you hear about this depression/recession, which is a very bad trough phase of the business cycle. The official start of the current, or past depending on who you ask, economic shortcoming was in March of 2001. The peak date of the recession was determined by the NBER (National Bureau of Economic Research) was set in November of 2001. The quarter before hand was the first quarter of GDP decline. The decline went well into 2002. The slow but steady decline continued and was officially declared a recession in December of 2007 (Layton 6).

So how does a normal low period of business come to be a recession? Simply put, there are numerous factors that can ultimately cause this to occur. In this proposal I am not trying to inform you of all of these, but urge to you that one vertebra in the back bone of recession should be discussed and if altered could keep troughs, what they are and nothing more detrimental to the economic prosperity of our nation. The cause I am referring to is the ethics of the “major” corporations in the US.

When this country was founded, Quakers were the opti...

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Layton, Allan P., and Anirvan Banerji. "What is a recession?: A reprise (1)." Applied Economic

35.16 (2003): 1789+. Academic OneFile. Web. 18 Mar. 2010.

R. Edward Freeman, Lisa Stewart, Brian Moriarty. "Teaching Business ethics in the age of

Madoff." November-December 2009. Changemag.org. 19 Feb. 2010 .

Surowiecki, James. "A Virtuous Cycle.(importance of trust and honesty to capitalism)." 23 Dec

2003. Academic OneFile. 19 Feb 2010 .

"VIrtue ethics and the rise of the meaning economy: virtue ethics in tomorrow's business

world." August 2006. Academic OneFile. 19 Feb 2010 .

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