The Life and Work of Thomas Hardy

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Out of so many authors, writers, and poets, Thomas Hardy was far the most sincere and the most famous writer that made an impact in English literature during the Victorian times. He accomplished many things and wrote a lot of books, poems, and novels. Most of his stories were not really similar to the plot of his life, but his writing career lasted about fifty years long maybe more. At first publishers rejected some of his very first novels and poetry, but even though this occurred he kept doing what he did best and that was to write.

Thomas Hardy was born on June 2, 1840 in Higher BockHampton, Dorset. His father was a master mason and a builder while his mother was a servant girl. Thomas appreciated music because of his father, picked up the desire of learning and knowing about his home on the countryside from his mother. At the age of eight it was Thomas’ first time to go to a public local school. He later transferred to another school in Dorchester where his mother firmed that he was having a good education. His mother then arranged for Thomas to learn German, Latin, and French at the same school. At age 16 his father started to get Thomas involved in architectural drawings; he helped with restoring the castle of Woodford. The architect James Hicks also the owner liked Thomas’ work. Once he was capable of doing architecture he moved to London, England where he got a job with an architect named Arthur Blomfield who specialized in the architecture of churches. During his spare time he attended galleries, operas, theaters and of course he started writing. At this time of the beginning of his writing he was about 22 years old. Thomas started to his send in his poetry to many magazine companies but many of them rejected his work....

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...sterbridge (1886), The Well Beloved (1892), The Woodlanders (1887) and many more after that. Out of all the novels there were two novels called Tess of the d'Urbervilles and the Jude the Obscure that made quite an impact on Thomas Hardy and the people. Tess of the D’Urbervilles was published in the year 1891and had a conflict with the Victorian morality. The novel talked about a dark side of his family in Berkshire. The story goes about a man with the name Alec D’Urberville that takes advantage of a girl named Tess. Tess becomes pregnant but later on the child dies as an infant. She falls in love with her employer Angel Clare, who she later marries and then tells Angel about her past with Alec and he abandons her. Angel comes back and wants to make up with Tess but finds she is living with Alec. She got so desperate that she killed Alec and was hanged and arrested.

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