Killer Whales Kept in Captivity

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For several years, Americans have been visiting amusement parks, like SeaWorld and Six Flags, to observe large animals like orcas, also known as killer whales. These whales are quite difficult to view in the wild, but can now be seen for a simple fee. Orcas are known to be one of the smartest mammals. They are friendly, and this has caused people to take advantage of them. For the past sixty years, people have brought these massive creatures into their aquariums to make a profit from their exhibitions. Often, without considering the orcas' quality of life. While kept in captivity, killer whales are forced to do many tricks they normally wouldn’t do in the wild. Over the years, there have been numerous controversies regarding killer whales being held in captivity. People are questioning if this practice is safe for the whales and for the keepers that are around them. Keeping killer whales in captivity should be banned, because keeping killer whales in captivity makes them aggressive towards employees, causes various health problems, and is painful for the whales. For the past decade, there have been numerous attacks by killer whales in captivity. However, studies on wild orcas show that “there is no record in history of any serious attacks by wild orcas on humans” (Kirby). This suggests that captivity is an important aggravating factor contributing to orca attacks. Killer whales aren’t evolved to live in captivity but are meant to live in the wild, where they can show how powerful and intelligent they are. In recent years, numerous attacks on humans by captive killer whales have been documented. One of the most widely publicized incidents occurred at the SeaWorld Park in Orlando, Florida. The park's beloved whale was named T... ... middle of paper ... ...les-exposed/

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