Internet Entrepreneurs

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A search of Google for “Internet entrepreneur” will retrieve more than 9 million links to blogs, portals and websites about Internet entrepreneurs. The success of several prominent entrepreneurs such as Larry Page, Sergey Brin, David Filo, Jerry Yang and Jeff Bezos has become the inspiration to others to become Internet entrepreneurs, but not all would become successful in the long term. Apart from the pioneers, there are, however, others – such as Dany Levy, David Liu, Reed Hastings, and Alex Algard – who are also successful and have survived in the long term. It seems that the strategies adopted by successful Internet entrepreneurs have enabled them to sustain their businesses better than those who have failed. This raises several questions regarding how Internet entrepreneurs survive and became successful in the long term. How did these Internet entrepreneurs choose appropriate strategies and continue to be successful? How did they devise strategies that resulted in the success of their firms after start up? What types of processes did they adopt to set up their strategies? Do they have any preferences for certain approaches to formulate their long term strategic decision making beyond start up? Are there any differences between these successful entrepreneurs when they develop their strategies after start up?

These questions raise a major question as to how Internet entrepreneurs actually develop their post start up strategies. Hence, the aim of this study is to explore how Internet entrepreneurs formulate their strategies beyond start up. Five types of strategy formation process adapted from Mintzberg’s ten schools of thought are being used to conduct in-depth analysis of strategy process for fifteen success...

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... through the process of learning over time. The strategies in this case will appear “first as patterns out of the past, then as plans for the future and ultimately as perspectives to guide overall behaviour” (pp. 208-209). Therefore the next question will be:

What is the extent to which strategy following start up is formed by Internet entrepreneurs through an emergent learning process?

2.2 Theoretical Framework

These detailed research questions will help to clarify how Internet entrepreneurs develop their strategy after start up. Combining the frameworks used by Mintzberg et al. (1998) and Rialp-Criado et al. (2010) and the questions posed, seven types of processes are proposed; transformation, rational, intuitive, individual, social, emergent learning and reactive vs. proactive processes to explore strategy process of the Internet entrepreneur in Table 1.

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