The Importance of Gaining Knowledge

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The phrase “Knowledge is Power” is carved into the Metropolitan Museum of Art in New York City. Inside one can find artifacts from centuries past and present. Throughout the many rooms divided by time periods and world powers, there are numerous relics depicting the differences between class systems and how knowledge has increased throughout the ages. The increase of knowledge can be linked to the success and power of each world power. Likewise, books highlight these same differences and link learning and knowledge to freedom and success. There are also many examples that concentrate on the connection between social class and the ability to gain knowledge. In the “Land of Opportunity”, James W. Loewen emphasizes the tie between class systems and knowledge by arguing that many times individuals in a higher class system have more opportunities to learn and become successful, while those in a lower social class have fewer opportunities to gain knowledge. In contrast, Frederick Douglass disputes this generalization by expressing his personal experience as a slave, and how gaining knowledge gave him the power and a sense of freedom. In both of these pieces, knowledge is a crucial factor in each individual’s achievements; however an individual’s social status is not the deciding factor to increasing knowledge and success. Determination and a desire to use power gained from knowledge in beneficial ways can be more powerful than social barriers. Many times, determination is stronger than the bonds between class systems. Douglass’s personal example emphasizes the truth of that statement. Originally, he was born a slave, but taught himself to read despite the repercussions that followed from his master and mistress. Ingeniously,... ... middle of paper ... ...s, individuals have equal opportunity to gain knowledge. Each individual that walks through the marble halls of the Museum of Art in New York City can gain insight into times past and how they have affected the time we live in today. Similarly, books today emphasize the importance of knowledge and the power that it can create in individual lives regardless of social class. It is up to each person, then to take advantage of this process and use it to become successful and gain power. Works Cited Douglass, Frederick. "Learning to Read and Write." N.d. PDF file. Dumas, Alexandre. The Count of Monte Cristo. Trans. Robin Buss. New York: Penguin, 1996. Print. Loewen W., James. “The Land of Opportunity.” From Inquiry to Academic Writing. Eds. Stuart Greene and April Lidinsky. 2nd ed. Boston/New York. Bedford/St. Martin’s, 2012. 201 205. Print.

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