The Impact of Mass Media Advertising on Society

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In a culture that relentlessly promotes avarice and excess as the good life, consumerism is essentially expected. Numerous billboards, posters, flyers and spam mail commercializing products on a daily basis could prove it. Cutting edge technology also allows advertisements be experienced through the use of mass medium and it is nearly impossible to escape the invasion of advertising. Continuous exposure to advertisements has indeed impacted numerous consumers, in which most of them are unaware to the situation and companies are taking advantage of this by allocating big budget to improve and develop advertisements solely to persuade consumer’s preferences toward their brand or product.

Advertising has been specifically linked as the main cause of obesity and anorexia, alcohol and tobacco consumption, society’s unrealistic standard of beauty and imprinting outdated gender roles. This could be prominently illustrated in advertisements in the 1950s, where sexism was not only tolerated; it was expected and actively encouraged, partly through chauvinistic print ads (Julian). Furthermore, critics have protested that one of the most popular beer campaigns of the late 1990s – featuring a trio of frogs croaking Budweis-errr – used cartoonlike characters to appeal to young viewers (Campbell, Martin, Fabos, 345).

While banning advertisement completely seems inefficient, authorities have taken steps to regulate the content of advertisements, therefore minimizing the negative impact of mass media advertisements as advertising has become so powerful and so subtle that consumer accepts most of it impetuously. It has been truly integrated with daily life and stimulates the ‘want’ in a society and belittling the true meaning of ‘need’.


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...bjects to consumer’s mind, trigger desire, and ultimately comply and make the purchase, therefore, influencing consumer’s behavior.

Works Cited

"Advertising and Marketing Industry: Market Research Reports, Statistics and Analysis." Advertising and Marketing Industry: Market Research Reports, Statistics and Analysis. Report Linker, n.d. Web. 09 May 2014.

Cowie, Caitlin, and Mike Rose. "This Is What Happens When You Replace The Women In Ads With Men." BuzzFeed. N.p., 15 Mar. 2014. Web. 9 May 2014.

Kilbourne, Jane. "Beauty...and the Beast of Advertising." Center for Media Literacy. Center for Media Literacy, Dec. 1990. Web. 09 May 2014.

"Real Beauty Sketches - Dove." Real Beauty Sketches - Dove. Unilever, n.d. Web. 08 May 2014.

Zaslow, Jeffrey. "Girls and Dieting, Then and Now." The Wall Street Journal. Dow Jones & Company, 2 Sept. 2009. Web. 09 May 2014.

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