Impact of Divorce on Adolescents

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According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), in 2011 there were 2,118,000 marriages in the United States and almost half as many divorces (2013). The CDC also reports that only half of all first marriages will reach their twentieth anniversary. Divorce is a topic everyone is familiar with and it has almost become a normal part of life. While it is assumed that more divorces occur now than in the previous generation, the CDC actually reports that divorce rates have dropped over the past twenty to thirty years, though this could be due to the increase in individuals who live together without ever getting married or those who simply separate and cannot afford to become legally divorced. However, it has become a more talked about subject. Individuals will tell an engaged couple that half of all marriages end in divorce and then inquire why they are bothering to get married in the first place with only a fifty percent chance that it will last. They will joke that marriage is a life sentence and that the number one cause of divorce is being married; but divorce is not a joking matter. Those who have not witnessed or been involved in a divorce do not understand the impact it has on all those involved, no matter the age range, but particularly those who are in adolescence.
In Merriam-Webster’s Dictionary of Law, divorce is defined as “the dissolution of a valid marriage granted especially on specified statutory grounds (as adultery) arising after the marriage” (1996). While the definition is technically correct, and it does supply one of the more common reasons for a divorce, it makes divorce seem like a very straightforward matter and does not even hint at the turmoil everyone involved goes through. For some couples...

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