Illegal Immigrants in the United States

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Many people in America have something against immigrants who come to this country looking for a better life and to escape from violence. “It is certainly not fair that undocumented immigrant workers do not pay taxes, and it is certainly unfair that they use public services without contributing to it” (Miller 55). For these Americans, their perspective on illegal immigrants is that they are nothing but a waste of space in this country and they are taking away this country’s resources and money with all the kids they are making once they accommodate themselves. The Americans who dislike illegal immigrants want the government to send them back to their country because they just cannot stand immigrants. Illegal immigrants learned how to adjust to the lifestyle of the United States and several of them managed to avoid the immigration officers. Although they are not liked by many, illegal immigrants have both a negative and a positive influence in this country. Therefore, illegal immigrants who had been living in the United States for more than ten years should not be deported because they pay taxes, their labor helps the economy, and the government is wasting money deporting people.

Several American citizens are angry that illegal immigrants come to this country because they think that all the illegal immigrants are here to take advantage of all the benefits they can get and work here without paying taxes. According to Rick Sanchez republican Rick Murphy “have a beef with illegal immigrants because some immigrants come here to collect money from the government and not pay any taxes”. An illegal immigrant who has been living in the United States for more than ten years should not be deported because they pay taxes. Although many Ameri...

... middle of paper ... stupid things. If they did that in the first place they would be getting rid of the people who are not doing anything but causing problems in this country. They would it save millions of dollars if they were smarter and checked who they send back.

Works Cited

Germano, Roy. "Do Illegal Immigrants Pay Taxes?" Roy Germano PhD. N.p., 24 Aug. 2012. Web. 16 Apr. 2014.

Germano, Roy. "Vice News: Immigrant America: The High Cost of Deporting Parents." YouTube. YouTube, Mar 19, 2014. Web. 20 Apr. 2014

"Illegal Immigrants." Opposing Viewpoints Online Collection. Detroit: Gale, 2013. N. pag. Opposing Viewpoints in Context. Web. 17 Apr. 2014.

Miller, Debra, Ed. Current Controversies: "Immigration". Farmington Hills: Nasso, 2010.55. Print

Sanchez, Rick. "CNN: 'Even Illegal Immigrants Pay Taxes'" YouTube. YouTube, 29 July 2010. Web. 16 Apr. 2014.

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