HIV and The Magic Johnson Foundation Research

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Magic Johnson Foundation Research

Heroism can be defined as when one displays could courage. All over the world there are individual heroes. Some of those people start organizations to help people in need. The Magic Johnson Foundation is a heroic organization to help people achieve what they want to achieve while maintaining a good healthy life.

The Magic Johnson Foundation has an intriguing background and currently hosts many events and activities. The Magic Johnson Foundation began when Magic Johnson was diagnosed with the HIV virus. In 1991 Magic Johnson was diagnosed with the HIV virus that put a stop to his Hall of Fame career (“Magic Johnson Foundation Home”). Once he announced he had the virus the local community gave him support to help him with his fight against the disease (“Magic Johnson Foundation Home”). The Magic Johnson Foundation was a created to address the HIV/AIDS epidemic donating money to those in need (“Wilson”). The goals of the Magic Johnson Foundation are to provide grants to fight HIV-AIDS virus. Throughout Community Empowerment Centers, it provides people all ages with the power to learn with different online classes (“Magic Johnson Foundation Home”). It develops of funds programs of address the HIV-AIDS prevention (“Magic Johnson Foundation Home”). Through the Taylor Michaels Scholarship Foundation it helps people who don't have enough money for college, go to college (“Magic Johnson Foundation Home”). The beneficiaries of the Magic Johnson Foundation are people who live with the virus, or poor citizens. It helps people living with HIV-AIDS (“Magic Johnson Foundation Home”). Citizens in urban communities are also being assisted thanks to the foundation (“Magic Johnson Foundation Home”). It also help...

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...Home”). Jeanella Blair is the director of CEC who works with other programs such as the American Diabetes program and helps out with the Magic of Reading program for kids, while doing her job all at once (“Magic Johnson Foundation Home”). Donors include Mavelyn Brown, Robi Red, Sheia C. Johnson, and Frank Oldhelm (“Magic Johnson Foundation Home”). Bigger donors include Bill Clinton, Blair Underwood, and Lee Daniels. (“Magic Johnson Foundation Home”) The corporate hero who helps make everything possible is the NBA (“Look to the Stars”). The Magic Johnson Foundation wouldn't be possible without these people and their time.

The Magic Johnson Foundation is a heroic organization to help people in many different ways. Anyone's idea can be made into something that people can benefit from. It creates for more helpful world. Anyone’s dream can be made into a reality.

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