History of the World´s Religion

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History of the World’s religion begins tackling the sources that make up the life of Jesus by stating that the New Testament has been thoroughly searched and questioned then any other book throughout all of history (398). However many coutless of people critics and supporters who have analyzed these writing the verdict that truly count are those made by historian and scholars. On account of this, the next statement made has great implication as the authors state that the overall verdict reached by historians is that early Christians modified the New Testemant though to what degree is still uncertain. Furthermore it goes to inform its readers that historian agree that what little the authors of the New Testament did record was both “colored by the preconception of the early Christians and amplified” (398) --Overall, it is clear authentic historical evidence for Jesus and his life is scarce, geographically uncertain, what teachings his follows did mange to put together was done in a confusing manner scattered with colorful teachings as they attempted to modify his words. manuscripts being modified lack of authentical historical matirla on Jesus, confusion on who wrote what and where the souces came from and finally a totally lack of souce matrial from objective observes-- If this is truly the case then not only is the foundation for christany rather shaky buielt only on one’s faith in but the New Testemant is then in fact an unreliable historical record based on bias interpretation that has little place for calling itself the most authentic and accurate documentation of the ancient world. In summing up their overview of the lack of historical records for the life of Jesus they do modestly state that this view is tentative and as w...

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... to paleographers, historians who study ancient texts, there are over 5,800 manuscripts of the New Testament (compared to only seven existing manuscripts of Plato's writings) dating between second and fifteenth centuries AD.. The original documents for the New Testament date between 50 AD and 95 AD. Overall there are more than 25,000 early translation of the bible partial and complete manuscript copies of the New Testament. Furthermore, there are also some 86,000 quotations from the early church fathers and with these quotations alone scholars could reconstruct the whole New testament if we did not have a single copy of the Bible(Evidence that demands a verdict p 50). No other ancient book has this remarkable preservation and documentation and as these ancient manuscripts (the popular handbook of archaeology and the bible-Joseph Holden and Norman Geisler) 102-109.

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