Hinduism's Three Views of Salvation

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In every religion there are key components to the belief system, and ways in which one obtains Salvation. For example, Mormons’ follow the beliefs of three books: Pearl of Great Price, the Book of Mormon, and the Doctrine in Covenants. Their salvation is works based, and they have no assurance that they will enter into Celestial Kingdom, though they may be assured they will be entered into Telestial Kingdom. Buddhists follow the noble eightfold path, or the four noble truths. Christians believe in the saving grace of Jesus Christ through His death and resurrection on the Cross. Jehovah’s Witnesses believe in the “publishing Gospel” in which they keep track of how often the Gospel is shared. Baha’i operates under three fundamental principles with include Oneness of God, Oneness of Humanity, and Oneness of Religion. Salvation? Hinduism has a unique faith based in their three “Margas” or “Paths of Yoga” which are key components to their belief system. These are the foundational elements for the three ways way Hindus can obtain salvation and are presented in a Hindu text called the Bhagavadgita. These three Paths of Yoga include Karma Yoga, Jnana Yoga, and Bhakti Yoga. These three key elements, also known as Moksa, of Hinduism set the standards high for they are the three ways of obtaining salvation. One source writes “these ways are regarded as suited to various types of people, but they are interactive and potentially available to all.”

“The essential vigor of the older faith was demonstrated further by the fact that the three ways of release or liberation recognized by orthodox Hinduism were clearly worked out and described.”


Karma Yoga is one of the three paths of Moksa, and ways of salvation. ...

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...s, it has truly opened my eyes to the true privilege, joy, and blessing it is to be daily growing in a personal relationship with the Lord, and having that assurance of eternity through the saving grace of Jesus and what He reveals to His Children in Scripture.


Bharati, Swami Jnaneshvara. Four Paths of Yoga: Jnana, Bhakti, Karma, Raja. n.d. http://www.swamij.com/four-paths-of-yoga.htm (accessed April 15, 2014).

Corduan, Winfried. Neighboring Faiths: A Christian Introduction to World Religions. 2nd. Downers Grove: InterVarsity Press, 2012.

Glossary of Hinduism. n.d. http://www.religionfacts.com/hinduism/glossary.htm (accessed April 15, 2014).

Hinduism. s.v. http://www.britannica.com/EBchecked/topic/26612/Hinduism (accessed April 15, 2014).

“Holy Bible.”

Noss, David S. Man's Religions. New York: Macmillan Publishing Company, 1984.

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