Health Planning and Health Decision Making: Foreing Health

643 Words2 Pages

Despite little consensus about the role and its effectiveness, health care providers are promoted as a mechanism to increase community involvement in health promotion efforts.
The major public health priorities are the discrepancy in access to healthcare services and the resulting adverse health outcomes. The need for strategies to improve access to healthcare services and to support the improvement of health outcomes were recognized by the Institute of Medicine and the Department of Health and Human Services. Health disparities associated with healthcare access and health outcomes from a geographic perspective were documented in the literature. The important factors in the analysis of health are the place of residence, location of healthcare services, and geography in general.
Only a few good quality higher level studies have been conducted even though there is some evidence to establish the benefits of community participation in producing health and health related outcomes, Few, if any, studies have ultimately reveal that community participation provides better health outcomes than no community participation in the same conditions. However, extra attention to the analysis and reporting of the community participation aspect of primary health care and public health interventions is warranted, as absence of evidence of an effect is not the same as absence of an effect. Comparative studies, longitudinal studies as well as randomized controlled trials can improve analysis of community participation.
Tools to measure and analyze it as a collective phenomenon are required in achieving further clarity about the benefits of community participation. To date there has been less interest in this than in measuring more real...

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... social control in health outcomes is beginning to be more thoroughly explored in epidemiological studies (Wallerstein 1993).
Health seeking behavior was affected by social factors, such as the cultural perception of disease causality, equally, therefore patterns of health care use. Providing information in one’s own language, ensuring culturally appropriate care or supporting community networks for prevention and follow up of illness are all important factors in access to care, even though health infrastructures are available, (EQUINET, 1998).
Health sector performance and health outcomes in health promotion programs that depend on behavioral or social change, as well as where the management of disease demands community inputs such as case finding, partner notification or treatment compliance were influenced by the social participation .(Bermejo and Bekui 1993).

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