Half the Sky: Poor Women Waiting to Be Saved by Whilte Males

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The national best-selling book, Half the Sky: Turning Oppression into Opportunity for Women Worldwide, written by Nicholas D. Kristof and Sheryl WuDunn, highlights the dilemmas, such as sexual violence and exploitation, gender-based violence, and maternal mortality, women in the Third World face daily. The authors single out non-Western men and the negligence of Western support as the downfall to many women’s movements and gendered violence in the developing world. They stress the importance of Western aid in the developing world to empower women affected by these injustices. Although Krisof and WuDunn attempt to discuss the plight of poor foreign women with the best intentions, the authors unfortunately over-emphasize the importance of the West that results in the reader observing these women as feeble bystanders in their own fate in need of Western salvation.

The book attempts to address the issues of sexual violence and forced prostitution, gender-based violence and maternal mortality through Western means. Each chapter begins with a horror story of a victimized woman who, under the repressive circumstances that her culture put upon her, was unable to be a whole person. Once the U.S. or another Western state provides aid, the life of the said woman is revitalized with Western guidance to succeed in a capitalist, free trade world. The authors suggest that her life would have never been complete without the “help” of the West. The anecdotes presented of the women who die or are badly mutilated are those that were not granted assistance through aid organizations.

They tell of a story of Rose, a woman who sought prenatal care and received health benefits from a clinic several miles from her village until aid wa...

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