Global Warming

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Since the Industrial Revolution, factories have been polluting the air and unknowingly contributing to the process known today as global warming. Even to this day, people proceed to do detrimental things to the environment. Global warming is one of the gravest issues the world faces nowadays. With all the other concerns society has to face, it is essential that people act out now and do what is necessary to establish a brighter future. By using appropriate procedures to conserve energy and save natural resources, people can counteract the process of global warming and its disastrous effects. When global warming is disregarded, serious consequences affect the lives of many organisms on earth. Change in weather conditions is one of the effects. Due to climate alterations, polar ice caps begin to melt which result in a rise in sea-level. This rise leads to flooding of coastal shores, destruction of countless homes, and disappearance of coral reefs. As polar ice caps diminish, global warming only continues to increase, given that there will be less surface area for the reflection of heat waves. In addition, climate change will also cause droughts. With dry land, it is inevitable that plants will not be able to survive; therefore resulting in crop failure. An increase in storm and hurricane rates will occur as well. Not only will this demolish numerous properties and devastate living beings, but it will also cause major economic setbacks attributable to funds required for repair and reconstruction fees. Besides varying weather conditions, global warming will undoubtedly cause harm to plants and animals. With the loss of coral reefs, many sea creatures dependant on them will eventually die out. Moreover, animals that reside in regions ... ... middle of paper ..., many people have become exceptionally indolent and careless. With a dilemma like global warming going on which threatens extinction of the human race and all other living things, the least humans can do is be concerned. Simple solutions are put in place so that everyone can do their part in saving the environment. Over the years, global warming has rapidly increased on account of numerous human reinforcements. The harsh consequences of global warming not only have an effect on humans but on all living beings. For this reason, various creations have to been developed as a way of fighting against global warming; and although people justify their inability to employ these creations, there are ways of surmounting them. Hopefully, with this information in mind, people will commit themselves to living an energy efficient lifestyle in return for a harmonious future.

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