Global Warming is the Product of Natural Causes

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Humans are not the primary cause of global warming. Although an argument could be made saying that humans have contributed to global warming, it certainly would not be fair to place all of the blame on mankind. From past climate change, it can be proven that global warming is in fact the product of natural causes. Furthermore, the Earth may even begin to cool soon enough.

In the past, there have been changes in the Earth’s eccentricity and the Earth’s tilt which affected how much sunlight was reaching the planet. Changes that happen in the sun can affect the intensity of the sunlight received on Earth. Global warming or cooling can be the result of this.

Furthermore, volcanic eruptions can also contribute to climate change. When volcanoes erupt, carbon dioxide and aerosols are emitted in Earth’s atmosphere. The aerosols emitted can block out sunlight which lowers Earth’s temperature. As many people already know, carbon dioxide has a warming affect on the atmosphere. The carbon dioxide may have contributed to raises in the Earth’s temperature in the past (EPA, 2009).

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