Expert Teacher Interview

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Expert Teacher Interview Questions and Answers

1) Do you feel you are confident teaching all the subject matter? Are there some areas you feel more comfortable teaching? Less comfortable? Has an area of specialization aided you in teaching the subject matter?

Yes, I feel confident teaching all areas. I do have an area of concentration in Social Studies, so I teach two classes of Social Studies and the other teacher teaches my class science. It is one less class to prepare for and it gives me a chance to meet some other kids. I teach all other subjects.

2) How have you encouraged the less motivated students to participate in the lesson and do their work?

I let my children know that they are at least responsible for paying attention. They do get called upon and I try my best to keep a tally on class participation. As far as their work is concerned, these kids are ten years old and in fourth grade. They make the choices. When work isn't turned in, I give them the chance to "fix" it themselves before I make any home contact. If this doesn't work, calls are made and maybe a conference is set up.

3) What student-centered techniques do you utilize to enhance student understanding? (e.g. small group work, class discussions, jigsaw method of group work, student-centered discovery, etc.) Do you recommend some types of student-directed learning over others, or not at all?

I use a lot of classroom discussion and let students discuss things in pairs before we discuss as a group. I use my boards and do the very best I can to ensure all kids understand what is being discussed. I don't get the chance myself to work with small groups as much as I would like because our class sizes are so big. I recommend mys...

... middle of paper ... home, you can do anything.

9) What are some of your professional goals? How about long-term goals for your students?

I coach two sports: Track and Field and Cross Country. I would like to continue to do this until I reach the 25 year mark. Currently, I have been coaching for 14 years. I really enjoy teaching children and coaching young adults. I would like to continue taking classes to better myself. I started a masters program in administration, but it wasn't for me. For my students? Take advantage of good opportunities. Don't be afraid to ask questions. Graduate from high school. Pursue something after high school: college, trade school, military.

10) In your own words, what should be the main goal of any teacher?

To TEACH - but make learning fun. Smile. Laugh. Be fair and impartial. You are the best part of many student's day!

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