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The mere presence of antisocial behavior is not sufficient to diagnose a person with antisocial personality disorder. In order to be diagnosed with this disorder one must display a pattern of violation of other's rights and of disrespectful behavior, which appear after the age of 15. This individual will also display some behavioral problems so called before the age of 15 such as conduct disorder. The individual must be at least 18 years old. The occurrence of antisocial behavior is not exclusively during the course of Schizophrenia or a Manic Episode. In addition, according to DSM-V diagnosis of antisocial personality disorder can be made only if a person meet at least the three of the following criteria's: 1) failure to comply with social norms that are related to lawful behaviors as indicated by repeatedly committed acts that are grounds for arrest; 2) Deceitfulness, dishonesty manifested in repeated lies, using false names and nicknames or cheating other people for their own benefit or pleasure; 3) Impulsivity or failure to plan ahead; 4) irritability and aggressiveness, as indicated by repeated participation in fights or assaults; 5) reckless disregard for own safety and the safety of others; 6) persistent lack of accountability, as indicated by repeated failure to maintain a permanent job or failing to meet financial obligations; 7) lack of remorse, as indicated by indifference to the infliction of harm others, beating them and stealing from them, or looking for the rationalization for such acts.
The causes of the Antisocial Personality Disorder are unknown until today. The results of numerous studies indicate that biological factors as well as socio-cultural factors might contribute to the development of a disorder. Althou...

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...ads of his victims at home as "trophies". The fact that he got away without consequences made him happy. As he once claimed when he escaped the jail twice he felt as he was "at the top of the world". His crimes were impulsive. For example; once he was stopped by the police officer, and began to fight with him. Then as the officer fired weapon at him, he lied on the ground and pretended to be death. Ted was finally accused of killing 36 women and sentenced to death.
There are some significant changes with respect to Antisocial Personality Disorder diagnosis from the DSM-IV-TR to the DSM V. The description of the disorder is significantly much wider as a result it is easier to identify and diagnose an individual with this disorder. DSM V lists egocentrism as one of the characteristics of a person affected by ASPD whereas this quality is not listed in DSM-IV-TR.

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