voltaire candide

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Voltaire’s Candide, and Gronniosaw’s A Narrative of James Albert Ukawsaw Gronniosow were both written in the 1700’s. Whilst Gronniosaw’s A Narrative frames Gronniosaws life story in the prose genre of a spiritual autobiography, depicting his personal experience of slavery into a redemptive journey from darkness and despair to light and salvation. Candide or Optimism is a philosophical satirical novel that ingeniously shakes the misinterpretation of doctrinal optimism. This assignment will firstly, analyse the language of the two extracts in turn, focusing on the narrative techniques, and then focus on the literary/linguistic features of the texts. Finally, the essay will reflect on how the passages are informed by context and will discuss the context, of philosophy, and religion, before concluding on the points raised.
The novel Candide is third person omniscient. Third person omniscient is identified with pronouns, such as him, him, her, and them, and allows the author to write how a character feels and thinks, and to switch from one viewpoint to another. This technique, allowed Vol...

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