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Throughout the world millions of laborers and children in Third World Countries work in sweatshops. In these facilities workers are abused, underpaid, and cramped into unsanitary working conditions full of disease and death. Nonetheless, workers cannot abandon the sweatshops they work in, because they fear their families would starve. If fired they could easily be replaced by another readily worker; that is why workers don't oppose their employers injustices, because they fear becoming unemployed. In large corporations from third world countries, laborers only earn an insignificant percentage of the large revenue that the corporation makes daily. They work for long hours, more than what the U.S Department of Labor considers legal for one shift, and don't get paid extra for working overtime. All over the world there are a minimum of twenty-five million workers and kids being exploited. After reading the article “Harnessing Our Power as Consumers: Cost of Boycotting Sweatshop Goods Offset by the Benefits” by Ed Finn, one learns that it is possible to put an end to all the injustices co...

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