the sierra de la serenidad complex

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The Sierra de la Serenidad is right between two settlement groups in a mountain pass. The mountain pass can lead up to a priest at the top of the mountain where there will be a lot of religious activity going on because the settlers feel like they need to be in a trance to relax. The climate is extremely dry around the area because it is surrounded by two rivers that go into the sea where there is a lot of humidity. Through the coastal plain and desert strip that goes down to the coast, climate and soil combine to support an agricultural economy based on maize. The pass system in the Andes was set up to control the commodity flow in the lake. This type of economy is thought to be around for 2,000 years. The settlers ate the fish that were in the water around the complex. The settlements in the complex show a multimodal distribution which means that there is an extensive use of shaped and faced stone walling. Out of the three sites there are, only one has produced stone walling and that is Lago de Handel. Obsidian flows were identified in the Amontillado region and their products ca...

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