the ideal democracy

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The idea of an ideal democracy is not a particularly obtainable idea, considering the different in culture and history of countries this could be a dramatic change to previous authoritarian regimes. Although we can work towards this idea of an ideal democracy reaching this goal will be a much harder task. The attributes that contribute to having an ideal democracy are free and fair elections, their capability to implement policies, political participation of the masses and universal adult suffrage, and a multiple party political system.
Holding free and fair elections is the first step to an ideal democracy. The concept that the people have some control over who is making decisions and effectively “ruling” over them is one that is crucial to full democratic ideologies. Additionally these elections must be held at controlled intervals so as the political ideas of the country changes so shall the leader of said countries. The process by which the government is elected is another fluid idea, I personally believe in an ideal democracy a mixed member proportional system is most effective. This guarantees a certain level of representation no matter what party you belong to, though the main election would be primarily two party the rest of the representatives would be chosen by political party support. Changing ideologies in the people can affect the proportions of the representative house and the policies that are accepted and carried out by the masses.
The next important attribute to consider is the government’s ability to implement policies that they have passed. If these policies are against public opinion they will have a difficult time implementing them since they do not have an authoritarian or absolute rule. The government mus...

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... a two party system which is less effectual at encompassing so many changing views, but this is still counted as having a multiple party political system. The competitive air is still present but is stunted from the full potential of political expression that it could be if there were more than two parties in the running.
An ideal democracy is far from being realized but it is definitely something we can all strive for, a fair and equal opportunity government. Free and fair elections allowing for public expression, government power and support of the people for their decisions to be carried out, the participation of the masses to shape the government they are under, and finally a multiple party system that expresses the numerous and ever changing views of the people. All of these attributes combine to create and model democracy that we can all look to be a part of.

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