soft determinism

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Freedom is the undeniable right to govern our own selves based off the thoughts, feelings, and desires we experience as human beings during our daily lives. While each individual that experience freedom must systematically abide by the rules established by governing parties that were elected by a majority of people within the governed territory. The freedom ideology therefore produces two opposing views on what counts as a “free act” which simply means doing something under your own accordance instead of another at any given time. These “free acts” are soft determinism which is after the occurrence of any event is by our own conscientious choice and hard determinism is the opposition stating that these events are not our choice and we shouldn't take any responsibility for said actions. But primarily the more important discussion would be soft determinism because of its higher use in the modern day society. In discussing soft determinism topics such as the types of soft determinism, the oppositions view on the subject, and what effect it has on the lives of college students specifically. These topics would best highlight the true merit of the subject, instead of just highlighting the surface of an magnanimous topic such as this. Before we get into the topics opposing views and college students we must distinguish which classification of the word we are using analyzing.
The two classifications of soft determinism is active self determinism and passive self determinism. Active self determinism is intrinsically we make a decisions not based off of our cultural lineage, environment or background but through our own cognitive decision making and but use our own subconscious reasoning and cognitive functionality and transcend our norm...

... middle of paper ... is, depends on how you think.
In conclusion, soft determinism is an ideology that has excited the determination for college students to put themselves through embarrassing studies,if you where to look at them through hard determinism viewpoint then you'd say students do the studies for reasons beyond there control. Then you can also look at that question through the different classification of soft determinism whether it was active or passive. But in short Soft determinism is the act of moving and thinking to your own accord, it s what drives you to buy your self a salad instead of going to the wilderness and killing the nearest flamingo.
Works cited
2. Palmer. Donald, Does the Center Hold? An Introduction to Western Philosophy”
McGraw-Hill Humanities/Social Sciences/Languages, 2010.
3. Professor Embree

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