short tailed opossums

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1. Why are short-tailed opossums classified as marsupials if they don't have a pouch?
Short-tailed opossums are one of only a few marsupials that do not have a pouch. Just like other marsupials however, their babies are born premature and the babies then attach themselves to the nipple where they stay from between 3 to 4 weeks. The nipple of the mother swells in the babies mouth, so if the baby falls off, it is unlikely that it would be able to reattach itself.

2. How do short-tailed opossums use their tails?
Their tails of short-tailed opossums are prehensile which allows them to wrap their tails around items such as branches to hold on to them. A short-tailed opossum can hang from its tail which allows it to use all four hands at once which also makes it a great climber.

3. What is the typical diet of the short-tailed opossum in captivity?
It is best to try and keep a short-tailed opossum diet as close to what they would have in the wild as possible. They should be fed a diet that is high in protein and low in fat. They should also have access to fresh water daily.

Foods that can be fed to short-tailed opossums include:

Fruit – Apples, bananas, peaches, oranges and grapes.
Vegetables – Wide variety should be offered.
Live food – Crickets, mealworms, waxworms, grasshoppers and occasionally a pinky mouse.

4. How long do neonates stay attached to the nipple before exploring independently?
Short-tailed opossums do not have a pouch like most other marsupial species and because of this, the neonates cling to the nipple. They will stay attached to the nipple for around 3 to 4 weeks before detaching themselves. At this time they will still rely on their mothers milk for around another 4 weeks.

5. What happens when the tiny em...

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There are three main types of veins in a short-tailed opossum that are suitable for collecting blood. These are:

Saphenous veins
Femoral veins
Ventral coccygeal vein

10. What types of bedding should be used in the habitat?
The best cheap and dust free bedding to use with a short tailed opossum is newspaper. It might not look as nice as other beddings available but is much easier when it comes to cleaning.

For a better looking habitat, aspen and pine shavings could be used. These do produce dust however, which has a possibility of leading to respiratory problems in animals.

Some places recommend cedar shavings however, these can be very harmful to short tailed opossums due to the oils within the shavings.

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