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It is fascinating to know how important it is for one to have a good credit score in the United States. For those of us that takes residing and excelling in this nation seriously, it is important to have a very good credit score. In fact, it is the key to our financial life. For example, having a good credit score will offer access to lower insurance rates and lower interest rates on credit cards, as well as access to loans. Interestingly, it also offers access to an afford security deposits on utilities, ability to get a phone contract with zero down payment, lower interest rates on home purchase and easier approval for rental apartment and houses. In fact, many high rewarding jobs will reject your job application for having a low credit score. What then is a credit score? A credit score is a three digit number, calculated by a mathematical formula using the information obtained in your credit report. Credit scores range from 300 to 800. Usually scores of between 300 and 600 are considered as low or bad credit while scores from 620 and up as considered as excellent or good credit. Thus, the advantages of having a good credit score cannot be over emphasized. However, most Americans do not have a good credit score. Majority of this fact is due to early reckless spending habits and inability to manage ‘free money’ efficiently. Credit cards are no ‘free money’. They are debts that must be repaid. I will illustrate a number of tips that have greatly helped to improve my credit score from a lousy 550 to all time high of 790. But first, let’s go on this journey:
A couple of years ago after I relocated to the United States to further my education, I will, for the first time in my life hold a credit card. I had never previously never see...

... middle of paper ... to friends and family. Please do not feed your fantasies. Spend your credit cards on needs not wants.
Conclusively, improving a low or lousy credit score (like mine was three years ago) will take lots of self-discipline, self-control, time and patience. Since the debts owed on you credit cards did not occur in a day, so also, the process of rebuilding your credit for an improved credit score will not happen overnight. As I have stated, it is a process; and as we all know that credit scores means a whole lot more than just any ordinary numbers, you must take the time and effort required to follow these steps I have discussed. I have been able for example to raise my credit score from a lousy 550 to all all-time high (for me) of 790 by simply following these simple and disciplined steps and I strongly believe it’s your time to improve your credit score as well.

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