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Poetry is a way of expressing ones thoughts, morals, feelings and ideas through the use of minimum words. Some peoples only escape is through their poetry and that is where Emily Dickenson poems come into analysis. Many authors like Emily Dickenson use their poetry to express everything from love to hate in which they feel. Emily Dickenson’s wrote three poems How Happy is The Little Stone, I Like a Look of Agony, and I Measure Every Grief I Meet which will be analyze today. Throughout her poetry especially in these three poems Emily Dickenson used many different elements of poetry to express her thoughts. The two elements of poetry that will be mention in this essay are imagery, theme, and symbolism.
In both poems I Like a Look of Agony, and I Measure Every Grief I Meet there is a theme of grief. In I Like a Look of Agony line 1-2 states “I like a look of Agony,/ Because I know it’s true-” This quote express how much Emily Dickson values the truth that is express on people’s face’s when they are faced with grief. To Dickson people pretended to be something that they are not many times. Dickenson states “Men do not sham Convulsion,/ Nor simulate, a Throe” meaning they tend to lie. Only the looks of grief on people’s face help her with trusting people. Grief is an emotion that people can pretend. Facing agony is when people show their true self an agony is a form of grief. The grief in I Like a Look of Agony, and I Measure Every Grief I Meet are different in Dickenson’s eyes. In I Measure Every Grief I Meet she is analyzing the people around her to see if their grief is the same as hers. Not only can she trust the people because of their grief but the grief itself creates a form f a bond between her and those around her. Even if ...

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... into her poem. He poems How Happy is The Little Stone, I Like a Look of Agony, and I Measure Every Grief I Meet express just some of the things that she has felt throughout her life locket in her home. There were many different imagery, them, and symbolism throughout her poems. Those elements of poetry help use reader get a better understanding for the poem Dickenson have written.

Works Cited

Dickinson, Emily. "How happy is the little Stone." Poemhunter.com. N.p., n.d. Web. 4 Mar. 2014. .
Dickinson, Emily. "I like a look of Agony."Poemhunter.com. N.p., n.d. Web. 4 Mar. 2014. .
Dickinson, Emily. "I measure every Grief I meet (561)." Poemhunter.com. N.p., n.d. Web. 4 Mar. 2014. .

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