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Body weight status can be measure by Body Mass Index which is the weight of the body (kg) over the square of height(m). Underweight's BMI is less than 18.5, overweight's BMI is 25.0 to 29.9 while obesity's BMI is greater than 30. Obesity has become one of a serious health problem in the world. According to WHO 2008, there was 11% of adults aged 20 years and above in the world were obese and 35% of adults were overweight (WHO,2013). Obesity is a severe public health problem which can threaten our health. This is because obesity is a factor that can develop into certain chronic diseases later life, for examples diabetes, cancers and cardiovascular disease (L. Cai, J. He, Y. Song, K. Zhao, W. Cui, 2013). Obese persons have higher risk of many health conditions, such as sleep apnea, mental health conditions, stroke and osteoarthritis(CDC, 2011). Cardiovascular diseases can be caused by obesity and they were the top cause of death in 2008. BMI 25.0 to 29.9 has higher risk of co morbidities and BMI more than 30 has moderate to serious risk of co morbidities. Underweight less to cause dea...

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