interesting relative essay

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Many people have a relative who have had an exciting past or an interesting career. For example, some might have a father that was involved with World War II. Some might have an uncle who was an astronaut. Some might even be related to a president. Each of these are respectable on their own, however, there is a man who has done all three - and he’s not even old enough to drive. Jeremy Dustin Wicks was born in a foxhole in Germany, the day before the end of World War II. His father, Lucifer Darrell Wicks, was an American, and his mother, Amy Darla Grant, was a German. They had been having a complicated, intimate, that was also highly illegal. She had hidden the fact that she was pregnant by pretending to gain weight, and therefore Lucifer only discovered that he was going to be a father on the very day that Amy went into labor. Dustin entered the world elegantly, clad in his red velvet tunic that is his trademark outfit - even to this day. It is said that he uttered the phrase from the prophecy - “I am born at last!” - and his parents knew immediately who their child was. His m...

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