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Importance of hydroelectricity in nepal in points
Renewable energy and its contribution to the environment
Importance of hydroelectricity
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Energy is an important development indicator, which provides vital inputs for survival and economic development. Energy supply and consumption is still in a traditional state in Nepal. At present, renewable energy generation capability of the country is still significantly very low due to technological and economical barriers. But the average efficiency of the renewable energy technologies is good in performance and also environmentally safe. Nepal is fully dependent on traditional energy sources such as biomass. For commercial purpose the country is reliant on imported fossil fuels like petrol, diesel, kerosene and LPG for running vehicles, stationary engines, boilers, cooking, lighting etc. Heavy dependence for energy on biomass resources has accelerated the depletion of natural resources and contributed to the degradation of natural environment. The country spends about 40 percent of it’s foreign currency reserve on the import of petroleum products. On the other hand, the country’s vast resource of renewable hydropower energy remains virtually unexploited.
Nepal needs to harness its vast hydropower potential and reduce its dependence on biomass in order to check the further degradation of the environment and reduce country’s dependence on fossil fuel based energy. The power so generated can be used for setting up clean energy based industries which will significantly contribute to the economic development of the country.
Nepal has huge potential of hydropower. The steep gradient perennial nature of the rivers of Nepal can provide the ideal conditions for the development of some of the world’s largest hydroelectric projects in Nepal. According to the current estimation Nepal has approximately 40,000 MW of economically feasible ...
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... of hydrogen gas in the core of sun that scientists are hardly concluded about its depletion. The earth receives an incredible supply of solar energy from the sun which is a fusion reactor that has been burning over 4 billon years. It provides enough energy in one minute to supply the world’s energy need for one year. In one day, it provides more energy that due current population would consume in 27 years. In fact, the amount of solar radiation striking the earth over a 3 day period is equivalent to the energy stored in all fossil energy sources.
Given the rapidly increasing population and subsequent burgeoning urbanization and steadily dwindling supply of energy, the energy crisis will continue to see a steep upward trend. In such a scenario, solar power seems be the only light at the end of the tunnel, and thus to manage it effectively is of paramount importance.
Nepal ranks second after Brazil in water resource in the world, and has great prospects of the hydropower of around 83,000 MW.
The Sun is one of the most valuable resources to us as human beings and we would not exist without it. It has provided the earth with energy since the beginning of the universe. One way that the power of the sun is utilized by us is through the use of fossil fuels. Fossil fuels are essentially energy stored by the sun from milllions of years ago. One of our most valuable fossil fuels is coal. We have been using it for decades, but are just now learning all of the negative drawbacks that come with burning coal. That is why many people are turning to Clean coal technology to continue to utilize coal for a power source.
Preview: Today I will discuss the potential that solar power has to become this country’s main supply of energy and the latest research that can make solar power more efficient and cost effective. I will also present the environmental benefits that come with using solar power over other and more harmful forms of energy.
Our Sun continuously converts hydrogen into helium and with this process it provides the essentials for life processes. In doing this it controls “our climate, provides light, raises tides, and drives the food chain” (Schaefer 34). Our Sun also has influenced many beliefs now and in the past. History has documented Sun worshipping religions while many current societies use solar calendars (Schaefer 34).
How Efficient is Solar Energy Technology? Engineering Challenges. n. d. a. d. a. d. d. 8 April 2014. http://www.engineeringchallenges.org/cms/8996/9082.aspx>. How do Nuclear Plants Work?”
Among various options available for bio-energy, bio-diesel, bio-ethanol and biomass gasification are three major options, which have huge potential in India to develop as energy sources and where investments made would be economical. The objective of this Business Plan is to review the option of electricity generation through the use of biomass energy.
Giant Pandas are one of most well known and loved endangered species. Researchers are working hard to raise the number of pandas living. At one time, researchers believed that there were only about 600 pandas remaining. Today the number is believed to be closer to 1000. Many efforts have taken place to save the giant pandas, however, researchers are still scared that the giant panda may become part of our history.
Energy is the basic necessity of daily life. Nowadays, dependence on fossil fuels for energy needs becoming lower in numerous countries due to the potential of renewable energy to supply sustainable energy to the huge populations in many developing countries who are short of clean and continues energy. Generally, renewable energy can be defined as energy that is derived from natural resources which are constantly replenished and theoretically inexhaustible. Fossil fuels on the other hand can be described as energy that cannot be renewed and will eventually diminish. Thus, in many developing countries renewable energy is the alternative energy to replace non-renewable energy or commonly known as fossil fuels. In addition, according to Sorensen (2004), there is a greater demand for renewable energy sources nowadays due to the uncertainty of fuel price rise in living expenses. Commonly, there are many types of renewable energy available in our world such as wind power, biomass energy, solar energy, hydroelectric power and geothermal energy. However, the main three example of renewable energy are hydroelectric power, solar and biomass energy (Refer to Figure 1 in Appendix 1).
Solar is a viable alternative energy source with solar panels becoming more affordable and more efficiently designed.
In 21st century almost all devices work with electricity. Electricity makes activity of people easier and more comfortable. Moreover, it plays a great role in development of medicine, science, education, transport and other spheres of human’s life. However, electricity production is becoming more and more problematic because the biggest part of energy for electricity is produced by natural resources, which are neither infinite nor renewable. It means that one day mineral reserves can run out, and, as a result, there will be risk of possible energy crisis. This situation stimulates humanity to transfer to renewable power system. Countries around the world are promoting sustainable energy policies, particularly to reduce greenhouse effect that contributes to severe problems such as Global warming and acid rain (Energy Information Administration (EIA) 2010). The problem of alternative energy source search is also popular in Kazakhstan. Kazakhstan is extremely abundant in natural resources, especially in fossil fuels, which are mainly used as energy sources to generate electricity (CIA Factbook 2011). To be more precise, almost 60% of 4.6 billion kilowatt energy that was produced in Kazakhstan in 2008 came from coal, nearly 35 % - from natural gas and oil, 3% of electricity was created by hydro and nuclear electric stations and rest energy was imported from Kyrgyzstan and Uzbekistan (EIA 2010). It seems that the electricity production in Kazakhstan is mainly based on coal and other minerals. Therefore it is important to find an alternative source of energy in Kazakhstan to reduce its reliance on coal and to avoid power crisis and other negative effects of non-renewable energy usage. Since the territory of Kazakhstan is ...
In conclusion, the world’s advancement leads to a higher amount of energy used which sacrifices the environment and economy. In order to limit and stop that a numerous strategies have to be applied such as the use of solar energy, nuclear power plants, and hydroelectricity. Through these strategies countries will experience positive effects both economically and socially.
I am certain that all have heard of the terms greenhouse gases, fossil fuels, and global warming. Have you ever questioned what will happen if nothing is done about the environmental problems facing the world today? What if I answer you that, we can merely use the power from the sun to power up our entire planet without the use of harmful energy sources, which affect our atmosphere? The power from the sun is what we call solar power. Solar power is the energy that comes from the sun as light and heat energy, and then it is later converted into electrical energy through solar panels (Nelson, 2008).
The Earth captures around 342 W/m2 of energy from the sun. This energy is in the form of solar radiation, which the atmosphere reflects about 77 W/m2 and will absorb around 68 W/m2 of solar radiation annually. Therefore, the Earth’s surface is receiving, on average, about 197 W/m2 of solar radiation annually. This amount of energy received is roughly more than 10,000 times the amount of all energy humans consume per year. This energy can be used to produce electricity or heat. This energy source is not being used to it’s potential considering how much effort would come into effect to store and transport this energy.
Why do we need to rely on renewable sources? Most of the energy that we use today comes from fossil fuels such as natural gas, coal, and oil. All of these resources are non-renewable, so you can finish one day. In order to have a better world and a healthy environment for the future, people are trying to obtain energy from natural resources instead of non-renewable sources. In the lecture “Renewable energy resources” (2014), Mistry focuses on some advantages and disadvantages of renewable energy.
Hydroelectricity is a known renewable energy resource that provides substantial benefits for our wealth, our health, and for our global economy. There are five types of renewable energy we can use on a daily basis throughout our lives, but the most widely installed form of renewable energy is hydroelectricity. Hydroelectricity is electricity created by converting the kinetic energy of flowing water. Best thing about this source of energy is that it’s timeless and renewable, which means it will never run out, however we had to figure ways to store this energy. In order for them to harness this energy for other people, they had to build generators that convert all the potential energy of rapid moving water into electrical energy. (http://www.ems.psu.edu/~elsworth/courses/cause2003/finalprojects/vikingpaper.pdf)