A chemical used to preserve the dead is becoming an increasingly popular drug for teenagers and young adults looking for a new and different high. Amp, clickem, crazy eddie, drank, fry, illy, purple rain, wack, wet, and wet daddy known to the average person as embalming fluid is the newest drug craze that is hitting the streets in the United States.
Embalming fluid’s main purpose is to slow the decomposition of the dead. Mainly found in morgues and funeral homes. The fluid involves the injection of chemicals into the body through the blood vessels for preservation of the body. The following compounds are found in embalming fluid, formaldehyde, methanol, and ethanol or ethyl alcohol. In embalming fluid products, the percentage of formaldehyde can range from 5 to 29 percent; ethyl alcohol content can vary from 9 to 56 percent. Ethyl alcohol is also a central nervous system depressant.
The drug can be sold on the street from twenty dollars to thirty-five dollars. Users are buying the fluid and dipping their marijuana joints or blunts in the fluid, letting the joint or blunt dry then smoking it . Most of the users don’t know that somewhere along the dealing process that the embalming fluid is being laced with PCP. So while most users think they are smoking marijuana dipped in embalming fluid they are getting an extra high from the unknown PCP. It is important to note that the PCP is not a normal compound in embalming fluid. Embalming fluid is generally consumed in small groups of three to five and smoked. The embalming fluid may enhance absorption by slowing the rate at which the marijuana burns.
It has been reported that the actual smoking of embalming fluid is not very pleasant. It has been said that it taste like rubbing alcohol and smells like gasoline. The high last between six hours to thirty hours and the acute symptoms of intoxication usually subside in twenty-four to thirty-six hours depending of the half-lives of the drugs used in a particular mixture. The drug can be stored in fats and then released, causing recurrence of symptoms .
The short term effects of using embalming fluid are as follows; blurred vision or impaired vision which is a symptom that begins at the high and endures into the next day. Headache that follows the day after consumption. Increased forgetfulness, vomiting, depression or sadness, facial or bodily edema, anger, frustration, hallucinations, delusions, increase in women’s sexual appetites, paranoia, physical violence and sleepiness.
PCP can be mixed easily with dyes and turns up on the illegal drug markets in a variety of tablets, capsules, and colored powders. PCP can be taken in multiple ways, it can either be smoked, snorted, or eaten. For smoking, PCP is usually mixed with marijuana.
416). It is easy to see how a person suffering from these biological abnormalities would exhibit the symptoms of BPD. The psychodynamic approach to understanding BPD cites need that are not met in childhood. In this theory, the caregiver is inconsistent. This inconsistency results in the child not being able to feel secure in the relationship (Boag, 2014). Children who are unable to develop secure relationships are taught that they cannot rely on people, and are therefore insecure in their interpersonal relationships. Cognitive theorists see personality disorders as developing from adaptive behaviors that they have formed that are considered over or underdeveloped in general society (Sampson, McCubbin, and Tyrer, 2006). In this theory people with BPD develop adaptive behaviors, often to inconsistent behaviors of parents (Reinecke & Ehrenreich, 2005). These adaptive behaviors are considered maladaptive, because they work to counteract the inconsistent behaviors of the caregiver, but do not work when the person tries to use them in their everyday life. In the humanistic model, psychologists maintain that people have an ingrained desire to self-actualize (Comer, 2014, p. 53). Children who are not shown unconditional love, develop “conditions of worth” (Comer, 2014, p. 53). These children do not develop accurate senses of themselves; therefore, they are unable to establish identities. Due to their lack of personal identity, they learn to base their self-worth on others. In socio-cultural theorists argue that BPD is due to a rapidly changing culture (Comer, 2014, p. 418). The change in culture leads to a loss of support systems. These support systems help to counteract many of the symptoms of BPD: little or no sense of self, anxiety, and emptiness. Many of these theories relate back to the experiences of people in their childhood. Children develop based on the treatment and security they receive from their caregivers. When there is inconsistent reliability, children
Homeschooling offers flexibility and can be a stress reliever for many. Home school gives children the opportunity to learn when they learn best, whether that be in the morning or in the afternoon. Some children prefer to work alone others with their peers. The parents will determine what their child’s learning style is. If the child need more or less time on a subject then they will have the chance to go over the subject as many time it is necessary for the student to learn it, or in the other hand if they completely comprehend the subject they can make a decision to skip it. A flexible schedule gives these options and many more to students compared to public or private schooling.
The history of BPD can be traced back to 1938 when Adolph Stern first described the symptoms of the disorder as neither being psychotic nor psychoneurotic; hence, the term ‘borderline’ was introduced (National Collaborating Centre for Mental Health, 2009, p. 15). Then in 1960, Otto Kernberg coined the term ‘borderline personality organization’ to describe persistent patterns of behavior and functioning consisting of instability, and distressed psychological self-organization (National Collaborating Centre for Mental Health, 2009, p. 15).
Could you picture yourself being brought face to face with an individual who has a personality similar to a mind field? In other words where or when he/she will explode is never known. This type of personality disorder is called Borderline Personality Disorder. Borderline Personality Disorder is one of the most scariest and hidden disorders that have baffled our society as well as many health professionals for many years. The DSM IV defines borderline personality disorder as a “pervasive pattern of instability of self image, interpersonal relationships, and mood”. (Bliss, 1986) After reading the DSM IV’s definition, the true meaning of BPD still wasn’t clear. Excluding fancy words, the reality of BPD is simple-a person has a low opinion of self and a low opinion of all surrounding factors that self is forced to be involved with. Whether it’s relationships with lovers, friends, or family the perception of these facets is a negative one in the eyes of BPD patient. Although having such horrible thoughts and feelings towards loved one’s seems bad enough, the seriousness of this problem is that BPD patients don’t speak of their feelings, they keep them bottled up inside. As you know, you can stretch a rubber band pretty far, but sooner or later it’s bound to break. It’s this breaking that really brings out unbelievable rage towards self and loved one’s.
...isorder is a devastating mental illness that is commonly overlooked, as well as misdiagnosed. Those suffering from this disease have to deal with wide-ranging, intense emotions, that more often that not, they do not have any sort of control over. They have extreme fear of being left alone and abandoned, even if this threat is only imagined. Their loved ones are often left to deal with extreme emotional outbursts, which they cannot control. In some of the worst cases, someone with Borderline Personality Disorder secretly harms themselves to help relieve a built up inner pressure, and to punish themselves for not being in control of themselves, or their emotions. Although there may not currently be any medication to help cure their symptoms, there are many therapies that can teach them how to deal with their emotions, and help them become successful in their lives.
These experiences often result in impulsive actions and unstable relationships. A person with BPD may experience intense episodes of anger, depression, and anxiety that may last from only a few hours to days”. (https://www.nimh.nih.gov/health/topics/borderline-personality-disorder/index.shtml) I read that studies show that people with Borderline Personality Disorder have “structural and functional changes in the brain, especially in the areas that control impulses and emotional regulation”. (https://www.nimh.nih.gov/health/topics/borderline-personality-disorder/index.shtml) People who suffer from BPD tend to have unstable moods which could last from anywhere from a few hours to even days. People with BPD also go through periods where they try to avoid real or imagined abandonment. People with this disorder are often impulsive and exhibit dangerous behaviors. These behaviors consist of going on shopping sprees having unsafe sex with people the use of various drugs and even as dangerous as reckless driving. People with BPD also have dangerous suicidal behaviors, and may also exhibit self-harming
During their 30s and 40s, the majority of individuals with this disorder attain greater stability in their relationships and vocational functioning” (para. 5). Follow up studies show that after 10 years of going through outpatient mental health clinics about 50% of individuals no longer show behavior of BPD (LeMon, 2012).
Borderline personality disorder (BPD) is a very common personality disorder that is often confused with Bipolar disorder. Unlike Bipolar disorder which is when a person’s mood changes from depression to manic, borderline personality disorder is when a person suffers from unstable emotions, behavior and relationships with others and themselves. Individuals who suffer from severe BPD often have manic/ psychotic encounters. This disorder is very common in young adults, especially in women of every race and ethnicity. BPD was first added to the addition of DSM-III in 1980. Borderline Personality disorder can be linked to many other disorders such as depression, eating disorders, bipolar depression, schizophrenia and/or attempted or completed suicides. According to National Institute of Mental Health: about 85 percent of people with BPD also meet the diagnostic criteria for another mental illness. Medical Professionals take interest in this disorder because it is deep rooted and irregular unlike many other disorders. 1 in every 25 individual’s live with this disorder
The current drinking age in the United States of America is 21. There are some people who agree with the current drinking age even some who think it should be raised. On the other hand, a number of people feel that the current drinking age produces more problems than it prevents (“Cross Fire”). The United States has unsuccessfully tried prohibition legislation not once, but twice in the past. These laws were eventually done away with due to the inability to enforce and the repercussion towards them that ended up causing even more trials and tribulations (Engs). “Prohibition demonstrates beyond a doubt that drinking and the problems caused by drinking cannot simply be eliminated from the United States” (Olson). In the present day, the government is still reiterating the same mistakes that they made in past attempts (Engs). Research from the early 1980’s until present-day shows a decrease in per capita consumption instead, there has been an increase in other problems involving excessive and negligent drinking amongst college students after the twenty –one year old law in 1987 (Engs). The current drinking age of 21 is not effective and is causing other social problems. (Engs). This calls for us as a nation to change our existing drinking law.
These treatments can be divided in 2 categories, therapist and/or medicine. PBS 's website on BPD states that therapy “involves learning about your condition, and thinking and talking about how you feel, think and behave”.The website also lists 3 different therapies that are effectively improving the symptoms of BPD. First of all, transference-focused psychotherapy helps individuals with BPD to understand about emotions and difficulties in a relationship. And through conferences, therapist would “walk them through” the relationship in order for individuals with BPD knowing what to do to maintain an healthy relationship. Second of all, Dialectical behavioral therapy (DBT) focus on “developing skills for handling stress, regulation emotions, tolerating negative emotions and improving relationships. DBT has been proven as one of the most effective treatment of BPD as one of the interviewee in Border _ | A compassionate documentary on BPD ,directed by Sattler, mentions that DBT has helped her a lot to understand herself and able to start developing the sense of true self. She also says that DBT has helped her to be able to associate with her negative thoughts and use it to improve herself. Last but not least, Schema therapy helps “to recognize and switch out self-defeating schema modes as quick as
...DBT is very effective, it can be a long and intense process. There is no medication available to treat Borderline Personality Disorder however many people are given medications to treat the symptoms of the disorder such as depression and anxiety. (CIIS)
However, one should be fair in that negative aspects of public schools are seen because they have been running for a long period of time on a very wide range. Perhaps the negative aspects of homeschooling will become more clear with the time. In addition, the writer of this article is supporter of homeschooling, and as he mentioned in the beginning of the article “rational debators in both parties claim that their way of educating is more beneficial for children in social, pyscological, and academic way.” In addition, other factors play a role in making the descision beside the benefits of each type of schools. These factors include the educational background, financial status, and well being of the parents of the student. Moreover, it might be wise to consult the student him or herself which type of schools would he or she prefer and
Home schooling has been proven to result in higher test scores for students. This could possibly be a result of a more individualized learning environment where personal attention is always given. According to two Time reporters, “the average SAT score home schoolers in 2000 was 1100, compared with 1019 for the general population” (Cloud and Morse). The amount of time a child has been home schooled has a direct correlation with their performance on standardized tests. “Home-schooled pupils who took the Iowa Test of Basic Skills outscored public school students by 37 percentile points.” “On the Stanford Achievement Test, the advantage was 30 percentile points.” (Viadero) It is clear that home schooling does not hinder a child’s education.
3. Most users roll it into a cigarette called a "joint", or into a cigar called a "blunt". Users may also smoke it in a water pipe referred to as a "bong" or they can eat it by mixing it into different foods called "special food".