Puritanism in Arthur Miller's 'The Crucible'

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Puritans are Christians that strongly believe in religion and persecution of anyone who’s not a Christian. Ku Klux Klan has the same beliefs Christian based group who persecute immigrants and anyone who’s not white. "[Christ] feeds and gathers at once, and this gathering of souls is as sweetly refreshing and delightsome to our blessed Lord Jesus, as the plucking of the sweetest flower is to a man walking in a garden. And there is nothing more acceptable and welcome to him, than a seeking sinner....So long as our Lord Jesus has a church and ordinances in it, so he will continue to gather [his people], and he is not idle, but is still gathering; though at some times, and in some places, this may be more sensible and abundant than ordinary"(Durham). The puritans and KKK are Christian based people and they kill people and torture people that aren’t believers in god, or if believe in a different god. Puritans are good people but they do wrong things like killing people if they don’t believe. They should be punished for what they do because they are sinning also by killing people and judging people. The K Klux Klan are also wrong by what they do they kill black people or anyone that’s not white it’s called white supremacy. They also kill people over religious beliefs like Catholics. They both react in the same way that people are different. They kill because of different color and race and religion. They kill anyone that’s not a white American and the puritans kill over religion and belief. Witch Trials in the KKK, members work together as a band of brothers to seek hateful revenge on those that disagree on their beliefs, or those who have stood against the Klan. This often leads to much violence and even death. Abigail Williams, Mary... ... middle of paper ... ...a few years and way to many deaths the people became realizing what was really going on and attempted to stop it. The way the public reacted to the Salem Witch Trials was almost exact. They started accusing everyone they didn’t like of witchcraft. After many years of innocent people being hung they realized that it was innocent people dying and ended it. The KKK and the puritans in the crucible are all wrong for what they have done to all the people that are innocent and they should be tortured just like all the people that were. The puritans and the KKK and the crucible are all alike and can be compared in a lot of ways. The crucible was a continuous event that was eventually came to an end. And the KKK is a group that is still going on today. The crucible was against the idea of witches over throwing the religion. The Salem Witch Trials hung the accused witches.

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