bullfighting needs to stop

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Bullfighting Needs to Stop Now
“250,000 bulls are killed in stadiums each year for the fun of bullfighting”(League Against Cruel Sports). “Bullfighting is a tradition that dates back to 711, when Spain's royal court celebrated the coronation of King Alfonso VII”(Issues and Controversies). In this practice bulls are put in an arena in front of crowds of people. First, the matador encourages the bull to attack him with his red cape. Then, he weakens the bull by using lances and darts that are driven into the bulls flanks. Finally, when the bull is weak the matador slices its neck with a sword to kill the bull. Throughout this whole performance the bull suffers from extreme pain and anxiety from the wound in its body. Due to the inhumane practice of killing the bull in bullfights countries should eliminate this sport.
Torturing these bulls for the enjoyment of the show needs to be stopped. Bullfighting is not the only sport that forces animals to fight for their lives to please the audiences. Allowing this to continue opens the door for other cruel sports to go on in the world. “Until the mid-nineteenth century in countries such as Great Britain, a full range of animals was used in baiting contests: donkeys, tigers, bulls, horses, bears, monkeys, lions, and even boars in some rare cases”(Issues and Controversy). If this isn’t stop these sports people will believe that treating these animals with cruelty is normal. Also, if this isn't stopped more games could arise that harm animals. Eliminating bullfighting could start a trend to stop other cruel animal sports such as, dog, and cock fighting. Both of these fighting sports are a big problem in the United States today. A solution is needed to get rid of bullfighting.
To stop this t...

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...ormed the reader about the evils of this sport so the reader can help in the act of banning bullfighting everywhere. Torturing these bulls and killing them is not needed to make this culture enjoyable. Make sure to share this information with others so this issue will gain more popularity saving bulls in return. These animals do not deserve to die in a ring with crowds cheering this act on. They deserve to die in peace. If we can get this sport to end we will be saving the lives of 250,000 bulls each year.

Works Cited

"Bullfighting." Issues & Controversies. Facts On File News Services, 25 Oct. 2010. Web.
20 Feb. 2014. .
"Bullfighting Campaign 2013." Animal Welfare Charity: Campaigning to End Cruelty to
Animals for Sport. N.p., n.d. Web. 21 Feb. 2014. .

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