argumentative essay

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Booooom! Roooooooooom! *Children screams* don’t you just love those sounds? How about a fast, up and down, loop after loop, and thousands of butterflies a rounds your stomach type of ride? Don’t you just love roller coaster? Sure there scary and all but it about a fun, thrilling, scary roller coaster? Those of you don’t, well I’m going to try with all my will and power to convince of how fun it is to be up and away. When you hear the words “roller coaster” sure you think of all thinks negative. For example, what if I stay upside down on a loop, what if the bar didn’t click all the way, or what if I fly off and die... Ok ok calm down now. Yes these are risks, but there reasonable risks. 98% of roller coaster are safe and sounds. So don’t go all coo coo on me. Let’s get started...

Major roller coasters are most likely to reside in “Six Flags Magic Mountain”. One special known ride would have to be “Goliath”. Goliath is most known for it’s255-foot drop. Now what more excited than going down at a speed of 78m to a 255 feet drop. Makes me feel very adventurous and makes me feel like I ...

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