Zodiac Symbolism

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The true Zodiac is conceptual division of space into 12 equal segments, which radiate out from the ecliptic, that is, the apparent path of the Sun.
However, the Zodiac also refers to the 12 constellation of stars that nowadays symbolize different human personality types. The term “Zodiac” has Greco-Roman origins and means “Circle of animals,” although these “signs” are not restricted too zoological beasts but encompass human forms, too. The Chinese Zodiac bears no relationship to any constellations.
The Zodiac is both a symbol in its own right as well as a collection of symbols. These symbols are totems for each of the 12 astrological signs. It is a circle of completion, a continually turning wheel, divided into a spiritually perfect number, 12. Each of the different segments expresses a phase of development in the cycle of the Universe as well as in humankind collectively and for each individual, singularly.
By 2000 BC, the Mesopotamians and the Egyptians were using four particular constellations as markers for the changing seasons. These four star clusters are the ones that we stil...

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