Young Goodman Brown Loss Of Innocence Essay

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We are all born with an abundance of innocence but, only some die with it depending on the events within our lives. Young Goodman Brown, Moulin Rouge, and Wuthering Heights all have characters with a tolerable life who experience a force beyond themselves, like love or evil, and end up living the rest of their lives in turmoil. These parallel plots prove that innocence and purity are lost after a traumatic, perspective changing incident. An attempt to regain the transient joy from before this event will only end in extreme, constant pain due to a longing for past fulfillment and certainty.
In Young Goodman Brown, his purity is loss in the expected way- being exposed to a level of evil he never knew existed. Hawthorne writes, “‘My Faith is …show more content…

Christian’s perspective on love drastically changes after his short lived affair with Satine. Early in the movie he states that he cannot write about love because he has yet to experience it. After a momentary but, obsessive romance with Satine, he describes love by saying, “ Love? Above all things I believe in love! Love is like oxygen. Love is a many-splendored thing, love lifts us up where we belong, all you need is love” (Luhrmann). His initial perspective on love is that it is an option for those who choose to pursue it. He lives a perfectly fine life without exposure to love. Once he experiences it for himself, that changes. He says that love is more substantial than anything else in the world. More than that, he uses a metaphor comparing love and oxygen to say that love is essential. The repetition of love represents how it has taken over his life. Each sentence contains love like each aspect of his life does. He feels that it makes him who he is meant to be. Satine dies but his love for her persists . He felt fulfilled, like his life had meaning, when he was with Satine. Alone Christian perceived himself as average, but with satine he felt perfect. After this monumental, life-changing event, he lives the rest of his life trying to recreate the love they had by replaying it in a story. Nothing pleases him anymore. His standards have been raised to a point that they will never again be

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