Wrong Essay: The Wrongs Of Abortion

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The Wrongs of Abortion Of the millions of pregnancies that happen every year, almost half of those pregnancies are aborted. What some people do not know is that abortion is murder; the life of an innocent, unborn baby is being ended because the mother does not want that child. Many people say that the baby is unaware of what is going and they do not feel anything; when really, a baby can feel pain just days after conception. A baby is a baby; it still has arms, legs, and a functioning brain just like the rest of us do. So why are these babies getting murdered? Life begins immediately after conception; Abortion is wrong because it is murder, a “quick getaway” and it is a cheaper way for irresponsible women to not have to take care of someone. There are other options that do not involve murder. The definition of murder is “The unlawful premeditated killing of one human being by another”-Dictionary. Why is murder being done on unborn babies? The umbilical cord, which is the fetus life line, is being cut, the fetus is then killed and dismembered; that, is murder. Since 1973, abortions h...

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