Writer's Effect In Dracula

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Dracula Essay: 1. Writer’s effect

Bram Stoker’s novel “Dracula” is a great example of usages of writer’s effect. The novel features different types of elements from the writer’s effects and it maintains the readers to get the general idea of the whole story yet it leaves the readers with suspension and excitement throughout the book. The first few chapters set the background of the story by introducing the characters and the setting, how they are connected, and where the story would take place. The first chapter is about Jonathan Harker visiting the castle of Count Dracula. It describes Jonathan’s journey and the people he met during the journey. There is a part saying, “a chicken done up some way with red pepper, which was very good but …show more content…

(Mem. get recipe for Mina.)” (2), “refresh my memory when I talk over my travels with Mina” (3), in this part the author introduces a new character- Mina, and we could see that Mina has a close relationship with Jonathan that he wants to share his news from the journey with her. This helps the readers to get a basic idea about who Mina is and what her role would be in the book therefore when the fifth chapter opens with Mina’s letter, the readers would know who Mina is from their memory . The part where Jonathan was failing to find where exactly the Castle Dracula was located in creates a tension. It builds up a feeling that something is about to happen in the castle during his stay. The author used the five senses to create the imagery of the things that are new and strange to Jonathan and also to the readers. For example, “began a louder and a sharper howling, that of wolves, which affected both the horses and myself in the same way” (17), where the author used the sense of hearing to make the readers hear the howling of the wolves in their heads and feel the exact same thing as if they were in the scene. It also puts a dark image into the readers’ mind so that …show more content…

For example, when Jonathan looks out the window one night, Dracula was going down in a “lizard fashion” (51), the word “lizard” itself tells the readers about the movements and the appearance. Jonathan’s curiosity in the part- “and thought to use the opportunity to explore more than I had dared to do as yet” (51)- gives motivation to read more to explore the castle with him. “Great God! Merciful God, let me be calm, for out of that way lies madness indeed” (53), this part would make the readers pray for and with him. When Jonathan encounters three ladies he writes in his journal that he had felt some interest in the ladies but then he writes “It is not good to note this down, lest some day it should meet Mina’s eyes and cause her pain, but it is the truth.” (55), giving the impression of his love for Mina. He is worried if the things he wrote would hurt Mina but he did not want to hide anything from her. From this, the readers could conclude that Mina really is important to him and how he respected her. This relationship between Mina and Jonathan would be a guide to the events in the late

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