Worst Form Of Inequality

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"The worst form of inequality is to try and make unequal things equal." Aristotle. By saying this, it means based on the Constitution, equality is not achievable for an individual in society. Passed by Congress on January 31, 1865, and ratified on December 6, 1865, the 13th amendment banned slavery in the United States, but on March 4th, 2005, a husband and wife were found guilty of torturing a held slave for over 6 years. (Latest slave found in the United States) Yet still, many believe that based on the Constitution, equality is possible, but will take a several years to progress into that stage, all the United States needs is just more passed laws and enforcement to provide the same opportunities to everyone, no matter the color, …show more content…

Title VII of the Civil Rights Act of 1964 which prohibits employment discrimination based on race, color, religion, sex, or national origin. (civil rights act of 1964) Discrimination may be prohibited, yet these sites go against this prohibition to categorize a specific type. Employment; meaning, an activity to which one devotes time; the work in which one is engaged; occupation. (employment definition) Employment still does refer with signing up to a website, because if you are not that specific type, doesn't that mean you are unable to participate or be engaged. Going to a website and only allowing a specific type of race, belief, or any difference that separates an individual is discrimination and yet it is still allowed by millions. Small things, like these websites, provide proof that people will not give certain people the same chances and yet there is no such site as to “White People Meet.com,” meaning if one race is to have a site, why can not the other. Equality is not possible with the United States Constitution, and these types of websites are examples of how people are not giving everyone an opportunity, and are just allowing a certain type to be given a …show more content…

A major rebellion took place, in August, the year of 1786, over fifteen hundred farmers started a rebellion because of Massachusetts tax policy, after defeat in January 1787, the state soon freed most of the rebels because many agreed with the rebels and their cause. As many thought the policy would improve the state, in the end, people such as these rebellions showed how many felt. In fact, Shays's rebellion showed weakness in the Confederation government. This is very important because the Constitution will eventually make a law that is the wrong decision in the view of the people and people will fight to prove it. Daniel Shays led hundreds of men in a forced shutdown of the Supreme Court in Springfield, Massachusetts, and this provides evidence that citizens will stand for what they believe.(history book) In conclusion, the Constitution may prohibit certain concepts, but people will still defy and will fight for what they believe

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