World Hunger In Africa Essay

909 Words2 Pages

Moriarty 2

Hunger is a daily problem that children across the globe face every day. These children face the most severe forms of malnutrition in Africa, due to it’s scarce food supply and heavy population (Famine 1). Millions of farmers in Africa have died because of AIDS, leaving the country’s food production very low, and many children starving (Colson 10). Ikamva Labantu director Amanda Nell said, “ Children can’t play, learn, dream, or be inspired when their immediate need is food to fill their tummies.” (Drive to Raise Funds 1). World hunger in Africa must be put to a stop because it is negatively affecting the lives of adolescents due to poor nutrition, as well as depriving young children of the opportunity and potential to have a bright …show more content…

Diseases such as Measles and Malaria are enhanced by poor nutrition. If the children of Africa do not die from starvation, these diseases alone will kill them. Due to poverty, the families of these children will not be able to afford treatment and care for their suffering children. Additionally, no care would be available due to the lack of knowledge and resources of the citizens of Africa. In conclusion, when afflicted with illnesses due to hunger, children and their grieving families are left hopeless in Africa. (Colson …show more content…

Studies have shown that lack of Iodine is the largest cause of mental retardation across the world. The childhoods and adult years of the children are being nearly ruined because of where they live, and the lack of food in their area. Additionally, lack of iron slows mental development in more than half of kids in less fortunate countries. Children will eat anything that is available to them because they are so desperate for food. If children eat whatever they see, it will most likely be unhealthy food if it is available to them, so it will lead to disease or simply poor nutrition (United Nations

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