Workers Compensation Argumentative Essay

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When you're injured at work, you're entitled to workers' compensation. This can help alleviate the responsibility of medical bills from your doctor, bills from procedures like x-rays and MRIs or medications and transportation costs associated with an injury. It can also cover much of the wages you lost. If you're disabled and unable to work in the future, a lump sum of money might be possible.

A worker must be injured while on the job performing part of their duties to get compensation for their work-related injury. This is considered to be an on-the-clock or on-the-job injury. While some employers might try to fight compensation for an on-the-job injury, they'll most likely fail to win a case with an employee who knows his or her rights. …show more content…

It's also a direct benefit to the employer and would be covered. Many employers believe that workers' compensation only covers employees that are within the walls of the business.

Outside of Regular Hours
During certain hours, employees are required to take phone calls or perform duties that relate to the work. A worker might have to take emergency calls on behalf of the business while they're at home. If an accident were to happen while at home, that would be covered under workers' compensation.

Unfortunately, employers and their insurance companies will try to deny the legitimacy of the claims when the employee wasn't on work property. There are plenty of circumstances where there are exceptions to the rules laid out by law makers. It's important that if you've been injured off-the-clock, but you were performing duties sanctioned by your employer that you're compensated for your injury.

That's why it's so vital to contact an experienced attorney when you've been denied for compensation but believe you have a legitimate case. The lawyer will listen to your claim and let you know whether has

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