Woody Guthrie's Song 'This Land Is Your Land'

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Woody Guthrie once said “Take it easy, but take it.” Don’t rush take some risk but not to hard. Woody has written hundreds of songs to inspire people that even though their pour you still mean something to this world. He was most known for his song “This Land Is Your Land.” However Woody also said this amazing quote that he said it has some similarities and some differences.

“I hate a song that makes you think that you're not any good. I hate a song that makes you think you are just born to lose. Bound to lose, No good to nobody, No good for nothing. Because you're too old or too young or too fat or too slim,Too ugly or too this or that. Songs that run you down or poke fun at you that on account of your bad luck or hard traveling. I’m out to fight those songs to my very last breathe of air and my very last drop of blood.” This quote is a lot similar to “This Land Is Your Land” the both of these inspirational words say that they will never give up they will never stop trying to make the world a better place, never stop helping people, no one will ever stop …show more content…

“This Land Is Your Land” and the famous Woody Guthrie quote there's many obvious differences like “ones a song the other is a quote” but lets look a little deeper. The amazing quote tells us we shouldn't be judge if were poor, skinny, fat, to tall or too young or even too old. The song says that land is made for u and me in all of the song expect at the end where people are starving and don’t have homes and start to doubt is this the land we want to live in this world when people are hungry and homeless why is this happening, so the quote is talking about being judged about anything that is wrong with us. The song is talking about world hunger and people that don’t have homes but releases that no matter what this land was made for you and me. Also if you think about it the song is more planned out than the quote the quote is just words that just comes off of your

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