Wood Chips Research Paper

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(1013 E 3rd St) FreeWoodChips.net announces the launch of a new website designed to bring homeowners looking for wood chips together with tree services having these materials. Wood chips may be used in a variety of ways around a property, including as mulch and livestock bedding, yet tree services often pay landfill fees to dispose of them. With this free service, homeowners and tree services alike benefit.

"Homeowners often purchase wood chips to mulch around flower beds, trees or landscaped areas of their property. The wood chips help to retain moisture in the soil, prevent the formation and spread of weeds and halt soil erosion. Depending on the amount of area to be covered by the mulch, homeowners may find they spend hundreds of dollars on this product, which may be obtained for free through local tree services," Jason Writz, …show more content…

For example, every animal prefers a comfortable sleeping area, and wood chips are a great option. The livestock owner saves money by using this option and can remove soiled chips and replace them regularly with the help of this service, doing so at no cost to them.

"In addition, wood chips add nutrients to the soil as they decompose. This allows a lawn to flourish and plants to thrive. When a homeowner finds they have muddy areas they need to cover, the wood chips are of great help as well. They prevent dirt from being tracked into the home and other structures on the residence by providing individuals with a clean place to walk," Writz continues.

Even those individuals who don't own property or livestock find they can make use of free wood chips. The chips are great for use in a wood smoker and produce delicious meals. Woods perfect for this use include apple, oak, maple, mesquite and hickory. Others opt to include the wood chips in their compost pile, as a brown or carbon layer. Doing so boosts the nutritional aspects of the finished

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