Women's Rights Movement Research Paper

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During the 2000's America had plenty to worry about. Politics were changing as well as American values, we were entering wars and involving ourself, our economy was Improvong after the recession, out innovations became common, and our culture spread rapidly. America was on the way to achieving much more than anyone knew. Every aspect of America seemed indulging. Women started demanding better treatment, which they received. The increasing role of women owning there own businesses Has increased to 50 percent. (the Americans 1121) Although women are getting more opportunities they still are making 77 cents for every dollar a man makes. (A 1120) Conflict started to rise, the attack on September 11 made the United States realize they needed to …show more content…

Research in 2004 states out if 10.6 million firms at least 50 percent were owned by women. ( A 1122) Along side respect for women out immigrant system changed dramatically. America increase funding, Bush passed a home land security act that tried to prevent future terrorist attacks. The U.S. Increased the number of criminals deported from the United States. A new immigrant enforce my program began. All in an effort to stop immigration. (Tod Hesson …show more content…

The Great Recession started in late 2007 when an 8 trillion dollar housing bubble bursted.(stateofworkingamerica.org)/great-recession/) 8.4 million jobs were lost which was about 6 percent of the American work force. The recession lasted about 2 years and effected America harshly. American households lost around 16 trillion dollors in net worth in the 2 year span. At the end of the recession America recovered about 14.6 trillion dollors of the lost money. Stated by the article near the end of the recession the economy still had 5.4 percent fewer jobs than it did at the beginning of the recession, this reason along with the extraordinarily slow recover grants this time period as

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