Women In Persuasion

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In the novel Persuasion it is seen that gender equality is a constant problem that keeps bouncing back. These problems also show that back around the early nineteenth century, social expectations for men and women were very different. Men were expected to go out in the world and make a name for themselves. The men also got to hunt, wrestle, and show their true worth in many different ways. With women, however, they need to just stay at home all day and make sure the home stays nice and clean. Commonly, They don’t go out and make a name for themselves. They don’t get the choice to stay at home, it’s what women had to do if they liked it or not. Today, women are looser in the ties that bond them to being just a housewife, however, they are still …show more content…

With this, what is the definition of freedom? According to the online webster dictionary freedom can be defined as “the absence of necessity, coercion, or constraint in choice or action” (Merriam-Webster, https://www.merriam-webster.com/dictionary/freedom). Back in the time of Jane Austen, or in the early nineteenth century, there was no freedom between the relations of men and women. Men were more free when it came to what do with their life. Women had very strict decrees that only allowed them to peak at certain points in their lives. The biggest peak of nineteenth century women was probably marriage. This was the biggest point in their life and would determine if they lived a good life or a bad life. In the story we learn that some necessities to be good company and to live a good life is to have a good name and be educated. If women didn’t present themselves with either a good name, property, or money, no man would want to marry them. If your thoughts are confused as to why a woman needs to get married, it's a simple as equality. Ladies weren’t made to work and if they did, they didn’t make a decent wage to live on. It was all based on man’s …show more content…

It is true that women are more loose when it comes to being able to work and expand their lives a little more. In all the ways it matters in today, women are still treated like they are second class citizens. In 2012, it was shown that “full-time [female] workers made 77 cents for every dollar earned by men” (Samantha Paige Rosen, http://www.huffingtonpost.com/samantha-paige-rosen/women-in-the-us-are-still-wage-gap_b_5018490.html) This is improvement from 200 years ago but is it truly freedom? If technology and other great human achievements can improve immensely over 200 years, why can’t freedom between women and

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