Women Entrepreneurship: The Challenges And Role Of Women In Entrepreneurship

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Women entrepreneurship is defined as “an individual or a group of women running an enterprise with 51% of ownership & financial interest in it.” Female-run enterprises are constantly blooming all over the world, contributing to household incomes and growth of national economies. “Women in business” is a recent phenomenon in India. Till now women had confined themselves to petty household business & cottage industries but things have changed remarkably. Women today are the proud owners of giant business chains which they are managing extremely well moving abreast with their male counterparts and, undoubtedly outshining them.
Women entrepreneurs make significant contributions to economic growth and to poverty reduction around the world. A sense of better decision making and urge to …show more content…

Over the years the number of women taking on entrepreneurial responsibilities has picked up indicating a healthy trend however despite the number slowly growing it still has a long way to go before more and more Indian women can be convinced about the potential that can exploited in having their own start up. The reason for this being that many women nip their interests in the bud or give up midway not because it is hard to become an Entrepreneur but because they find their journey too uphill to become one.
What stops them from taking on that journey? Why is it that despite the change in numbers we do not see as many women on the Entrepreneurial map? And whether we like it or not, why do most perceive potential failures for women who do take the plunge?
Many reasons contribute to this but when you give it a though you realize that most of the reasons that stand out usually stem from two important factors – The society and

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