Women During The Gilded Age Essay

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Module 2 Discussion

During the Gilded Age, industrial capitalism (known as the 2nd industrial revolution) became the driving force to transforming the economies in Europe and in the United States. Industrial capitalism was also the foundation for creating a global economy. Many of the business practices and profits derived from commercial capitalism and industrial capitalism. These profits came from machinery, technology, large factories and processing plants. Even though progress and profits came with the Gilded Age, it also brought tensions, conflicts and misery. It also sparked an unbalance social and economic order for workers’ wages and working conditions. This period in history brought heavy masses of immigration to the country. In addition, continuous struggles and ongoing between labor, capital and increased growth in urbanization. Today, we see these similarities and …show more content…

To me, they are portrayed as classy, wearing long dresses, shirts with long sleeves, hats with ribbons, stylish, attractive, slender and fashionable. These women were the foundation of what the style of fashion and beauty was then and sets the basis for style of the modern fashion women of today. The similar business practices and ideas to basic concepts of women’s fashion was important during the Gilded Age as they are today. However, the images of men shows the “Arrow Collar” man looking upper class, confident, classy, and elegant, having a bow tie with handkerchief and educated. He resembles as either a lawyer or businessman being successful. What these images and pictures showing of how people dressed during the Gilded Age, these are similar concepts and business practices to the ways businesses market and advertise their products in the 21st century. It seems to me that business practices in clothing, fashion and style have always been an important factor still to this

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