William Tavener Sentimentality

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The story “The Sentimentality of William Tavener” is a story in which a couple discuss why or why not they should let their children go to the local circus. This story shows the dad being strict and not allowing the children to go even though all the circumstances would allow it. As the conversation continues the mother, Hester, finds the real motive behind the father’s, William, unshaken hand. The guideline or backbone of this story is that of this story is that of the father’s past; something even his all-knowing wife isn’t completely aware of. This short story is constructed in such a way that it gives the reader an adequate visual contrast between Mr. William in his childhood and Mr. William in his adult life. This is shown when …show more content…

The order of information allows the reader to create a notion about a character and then compare it to their previous selves. The numerous flashbacks also help give the character a more dynamic persona, for example, towards the end of the story you can see a change of outlook from the mom. In the quotes “Their relationship had become purely a business one…” and “In her desire to indulge her boys she had unconsciously assumed a defensive and almost hostile attitude towards her husband.” you can see that she had a demoralized relationship with her husband and was forgetting their past. During the story you can see a sudden change in where she is reminded of the love she has for her husband, which is shown in the quotes “They talked on and on; of old neighbors of old familiar faces in the valley where they had grown up, of long forgotten incidents of their youth …” and “…she felt a sudden throb of allegiance to her husband …” this shows how Hester rekindled her devotion to her husband. In short, the story “The Sentimentally of William Taverner” is a beautiful short story of rekindling love. The story shares with the reader vivid visuals and is organized in a way to highlight the changes of character in the characters, but also it shows the changes in Hester and William’s marriage. Ms. Willa Cather portraits several changes in the story but all that only exemplifies the one constant which is their

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